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Banking & Finance




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#Iqonic Design

#Design Inspiration

Businesses across all sectors and geographies are realizing the power of AI and Machine Learning

Leverage leading AI and machine learning capabilities with Cloud Data Science Solutions from deep learning speech recognition and transcription to advanced visualizations, entity recognition, and machine learning models, you have everything you need to bring your data to the next level. Leverage the power of Cloud Data Science to transcribe, link and query across all your data.

  • Lowering Costs
  • Improving Workforce Productivity
  • Increasing Sales
  • Improving Business Agility
  • Improving or Developing Products and Services
  • Enhancing Customer Service and Engagement
  • Reducing Risk Exposure
  • Empowering and Aligning Internal Decision-Makers

What can do

Cloud or API Solutions, we offer distribution channels that seamlessly deliver data straight into your database, dashboards, visualization tools, models and more.

Banking Solutions
  • Prepaid card portfolio
  • Crediy card analytics
  • Auto loan porrtfolio
Marketing analytics
  • Build models in minutes without advanced training
  • Automate machine learning and modeling
  • Deploy, manage, and govern models
Risk analytics
  • Extract structured and unstructured text
  • Leverage powerful feature engineering
  • Get assisted insights as you work
Regulatory analytics
  • Investigate and explore your data
  • Optimize models and drive powerful data science outcomes
  • Create and validate fully-guided machine learning models

Are you ready for a better, more productive business?

In algorithmic trading, machine learning helps to make better trading decisions. A mathematical model monitors the news and trade results in real-time and detects patterns that can force stock prices to go up or down. It can then act proactively to sell, hold, or buy stocks according to its predictions. Machine learning algorithms can analyze thousands of data sources simultaneously, something that human traders cannot possibly achieve. Machine learning algorithms help human traders squeeze a slim advantage over the market average. And, given the vast volumes of trading operations, that small advantage often translates into significant profits.


Interesting in predictive analytics? Then research artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning.